Who We Are

Our Mission

Oregon Right to Life advocates for the most vulnerable human beings whose right to life is denied or abridged under current law. We work to reestablish protection for all innocent human life from conception to natural death.


The Mission

At Oregon Right to Life, we strive to accomplish our mission through many forms of advocacy. We are organized to do this in a strategic way that complies with the law and provides the greatest opportunities for our volunteers, donors and leaders.

The Parent Organization - 501(c)(4)

The parent organization of Oregon Right to Life handles our lobbying efforts for life, provides support to pro-life organizations and individuals, and organizes events and rallies.

The Political Action Committee

Our political efforts are run through both state and federal PACs. We focus on electing pro-life officials at all levels of government as well as publishing a widely used pro-life voter guide each election year. Click to navigate to the ORTL PAC website.

The Education Foundation - 501(c)(3)

The Oregon Right to Life Education Foundation (ORTLEF) prepares and distributes pro-life information and hosts booths at fairs, churches, conferences, and other events throughout the state. ORTLEF also provides a speakers bureau, student contests, training for young people through Launch, and supplies direction for the Pro-Life Communities Initiative. 

Will you support our advocacy?

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As Oregon's leading pro-life organization, we receive no government funds. The vast majority of our resources come from individuals and families.

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