Title X in the News

On Monday, April 29, in a stunning display of judicial activism, U.S. District Judge Michael McShane issued an order that prevented the Protect Life Rule from going into effect May 3, 2019. The proposed rule would ensure that taxpayer money designated for family planning would not fund abortion providers. It was disgraceful to see Governor […]
Conscience Protection Rule Supports Constitutional Rights

Thursday, May 2, 2019, President Trump announced a new HHS rule that would protect conscience rights of healthcare providers, allowing them to excuse themselves from performing or participating in abortions. “The new HHS rule goes a long way toward restoring and protecting freedom of conscience for healthcare workers,” says Lois Anderson, ORTL executive director. “This […]
Top Ten Pro-Life Accomplishments of President Trump

1 — President Trump did the pro-life movement his greatest service by keeping Hillary Clinton out of the White House. 2 — President Trump appointed two pro-life Supreme Court justices and dozens of other pro-life federal judges, more than any other president at this point in his term. 3 — President Trump gave the states […]
Trump to Decrease Tax Funding of Planned Parenthood

By Liberty Pike, Communications Director President Trump was elected having promised to stop taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood. At the end of May, he began to deliver. The Trump administration’s Department of Health and Human Services is issuing rules for the Title X preventative family planning program that will bar abortion providers from receiving Title […]
Pres. Trump moves to defund Planned Parenthood

Salem, OR–The Trump administration’s Department of Health and Human Services will be reinstating rules for the Title X family planning program that will bar abortion providers like Planned Parenthood from receiving taxpayer funding through this specific program. This will cut roughly $50 to $60 million of Planned Parenthood’s $543.7 million in taxpayer funding (per PP’s […]
Tagged abortiondefund planned parenthoodplanned parenthoodpoliticspro lifetrump