Victory: Arizona Supreme Court Allows Law to Take Effect Protecting Nearly All Unborn Babies

The Arizona Supreme Court last week handed down a major pro-life victory, ruling that the state could once again enforce its pre-Roe v. Wade law…
OHA Admits to Violating Federal Abortion Law, OHSU May be Next

On November 17, Pat Allen, director of the Oregon Health Authority (OHA), issued a letter to the governor’s office detailing significant financial problems with the agency. According to The Oregonian, Allen revealed that OHA erroneously made close to $150 million in overpayments of federal Medicaid funds. However, additionally troubling was the revelation that OHA has […]
Hope is Alive
When George Gershwin wrote “summertime and the livin’ is easy”, I think it’s safe to say he was never a pro-life activist and never worked on a political campaign. In spite of the classic song lyrics, the characters in Porgy and Bess were living through hard times, more difficult than any of us can imagine. […]
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