Ten Reasons Pro-lifers Should be Encouraged!
Life has been winning in the voting booth. Elections have resulted in a pro-life President and Vice-President, along with numerous state governors. Pro-life legislators are leaders in both the U.S. House and Senate. People are having their eyes opened to a callous abortion industry after viewing undercover videos discussing the harvesting and selling of aborted […]
Senate Bill 494: Victory and Vigilance!
Senate Bill 494, which would have allowed the starvation and dehydration of dementia and Alzheimer’s patients, took its final breaths in the House Judiciary Committee before it met a timely death. The bill died because of many forces at work: God’s miraculous goodness, a vast army of pro-life Oregonians who called and emailed their senators, […]
Sweet Victory!
Our battle for the lives of innocents, those patients who are conscious but incompetent, has a happy ending! After Senate Bill 494 passed in the Senate (17-13), the deadly bill went to the House. Because of excellent work by pro-life House members, SB 494 was referred to the House Judiciary Committee, killing the bill. Oregon […]
Senate Vote on Replacing Obamacare Postponed
After announcing that the Senate would vote during the last week in June on a bill to replace Obamacare, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell delayed the vote. Following months of trying to iron out language that will keep both liberal and conservatives happy, there was not enough support to pass the bill. McConnell expects a […]
States Pass Pro-Life Laws
Over the past year, pro-lifers in states across the country have worked to pass legislation in their states that protects the lives of unborn babies, the infirm, and the elderly. Here are examples of pro-life victories in these states: Arkansas: Governor Hutchinson (R) signed legislation making Arkansas the tenth state to ban sex selection abortions […]
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