Pres. Trump moves to defund Planned Parenthood

Salem, OR–The Trump administration’s Department of Health and Human Services will be reinstating rules for the Title X family planning program that will bar abortion providers like Planned Parenthood from receiving taxpayer funding through this specific program. This will cut roughly $50 to $60 million of Planned Parenthood’s $543.7 million in taxpayer funding (per PP’s […]

Everyone Deserves an Advocate

Lois Anderson Executive Director

My social media news feed in the last month has been filled with wonderful posts about children and adults with Down syndrome. The fact that World Down Syndrome Day was March 21st had something to do with it. Even before those celebrations ramped up, the aborting of unborn children with Down syndrome was in the […]

Trump The Most Pro-life President?

president donald trump

The leader of the national pro-life organization Family Research Council believes that President Trump is on target to become the most pro-life president ever. FRC President Tony Perkins points to Trump’s fulfilling of his campaign promises. Perkins says he has “gone beyond stopping the pro-abortion policies of Barack Obama and is restoring and even expanding […]

Action Alert: Support the Conscience Protection Act

Contact your Member of Congress today! Due to years of the Obama administration’s pro-abortion policies and Oregon’s own pro-abortion governor, the right of medical professionals to not participate in abortions has been a hot issue. Under current law, this right is not protected. There have been recent attempts at the federal level to strengthen the […]

States Pass More Than 50 Pro-life Laws in 2017

pro-life millennials

This is a time of unprecedented momentum in passing pro-life laws. Over 30 percent of all such laws have been enacted in the last six years, with more than 50 each year since 2011. Examples include an Alabama law that allows health care providers to refuse to participate in abortion, an Arkansas law banning abortions […]
