Oregon Right to Life Opposes Intimidation Tactics

Salem, OR—On Saturday, January 29, members of Abolish Human Abortion appeared at the Oregon March for Life, an event organized by Oregon Right to Life. Abolish Human Abortion came with signs and pamphlets that used aggressive language and graphic imagery. Oregon Right to Life opposes Abolish Human Abortion and other similar extremist abortion groups and […]

Four Pieces of Pro-Life Legislation Introduced

Hundreds of thousands of Oregonians believe life should be legally protected from conception to natural death. This legislative session we have been working with pro-life legislators to introduce bills that would bring Oregon closer to the vision we share to protect life. Please contact your legislators and urge them to support these bills. To use […]

CDC Numbers Reveal Lowest Abortion Rates Ever

pro-life millennials

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention just released their latest report on U.S. abortion numbers. While the data is not complete (Maryland, New Hampshire, and, most notably, California did not participate), the results are encouraging. In 2015, the latest year for which data is available, abortion rates were at their lowest ever. The CDC […]

30,000 “Precious Pockets” and Counting

At each booth, ORTLEF has a basket of life-size fetal models to pass out when folks walk by the booths. By the end of summer, ORTLEF will have given away 30,000 models in just two years. Dawn Powers is the ORTL Education Foundation events director. When Powers was hired, she felt it was very important […]

Babies Die After Doctors Remove Life Support Against Parents’ Wishes


Alfie Evans, a 23-month-old who had a rare neurological disorder, died in April after lingering for five days after a British hospital removed his life support. Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool, England removed Alfie’s life support over the objections of his parents following an extensive legal battle that garnered international attention. After several appeals […]
