How Oregon Right to Life PAC Decides on Political Endorsements

The influence and effectiveness of Oregon Right to Life PAC (Political Action Committee) relies on the trust of pro-life voters.
SB 1606 Unanimously Passes

Yesterday, Senate Bill 1606 unanimously passed the Oregon Legislature. In a bipartisan effort driven by Sen. Sara Gelser (D-Corvallis), this bill will protect Oregonians with disabilities who need to be admitted to hospitals during this pandemic. “All Oregonians deserve advocates, particularly those who cannot advocate for themselves,” says Lois Anderson, ORTL executive director. “We were […]
New Pro-life Legislators Take Office
Most of the time, election years are the only opportunity for voters to weigh in on who represents them. However, there are occasions when a vacancy occurs in a legislative district between election years. When that happens, the responsibility of finding a replacement falls primarily on precinct committee persons (PCPs). Over the last year, an […]
Tagged Pro-life Legislators