Pro-Life Bills Die in Committee Without Hearing

Salem, OR—At the end of the day, February 7, SB 1553 and HB 4042 died in committee without receiving a hearing. Sponsored by Sen. Linthicum (R–Klamath Falls), Rep. Lewis (R–Silverton), Rep. Stark (R–Grants Pass) and other pro-life legislators, these bills would have established protection for mothers and infants. “I am disappointed in, but not surprised […]

Born-Alive Infant Protection Act Returns to the Legislature

This year, pro-life house and senate members of the Oregon Legislature have introduced two crucial bills to protect unborn children. The Senate bill would require doctors to provide life-saving care to infants born alive after an attempted abortion. SB 1553—the Born Alive Infant Protection Act—requires medical practitioners to provide life-saving care to infants born alive […]

Women Deserve to Make Informed Decisions

This year, pro-life house and senate members of the Oregon Legislature have introduced two crucial bills to protect unborn children. The Senate bill would require doctors to provide life-saving care to infants born alive after an attempted abortion. SB 1553—the Born Alive Infant Protection Act—requires medical practitioners to provide life-saving care to infants born alive […]

ORTL Celebrates Pro-Life Legislative Appointments

Yesterday, July 23, Rep. Raquel Moore-Green was appointed to the Oregon Legislature by the Marion County Commissioners. She filled the seat vacated by Sen. Denyc Boles, after she was chosen to replace Sen. Jackie Winters. “Sen. Winters was a tireless advocate,” says Oregon Right to Life Executive Director Lois Anderson. “We are thrilled that Sen. […]

Oregon Legislature Eliminates PAS Waiting Periods

Senate Bill 579 eliminates physician-assisted suicide waiting periods for those diagnosed as near death. The Oregon House passed the bill 35-22 yesterday. It will now become law unless the governor vetoes it. “The Legislature heard from highly qualified and experienced medical professionals who testified that this bill is not only unnecessary but dangerous,” says Lois Anderson, ORTL executive director. […]
