Tragic New Survey Suggests 71% of Americans Support Legal Euthanasia

The majority of Americans reportedly believe euthanasia and assisted suicide should be legal.
Trump Says He’ll Vote No on Florida Pro-Abortion Ballot Initiative

Trump said he’d vote “no” on a ballot initiative in Florida that would enshrine a “right” to abortion in the state constitution.
Oregon’s Disturbing Status as Assisted Suicide Destination Highlighted in New Report

Oregon’s loosened restrictions on legal assisted suicide are encouraging Americans from across the country to travel to the Beaver State to obtain death-inducing drugs.
Planned Parenthood Affiliate Sends Mobile Unit to Offer Free Abortions Near Democratic National Convention

A Planned Parenthood affiliate is offering free abortions and vasectomies near the Democratic National Convention in Chicago this week.
Can the Unborn Feel Pain?

“The idea that unborn babies don’t feel pain is rooted in a bygone era when newborns were actually operated on without anesthesia or pain relief.”
Tagged abortionfetal painoregonpain-capablepoliticspro life