As Bad As It Can Get
No one would argue that this is not the most unusual presidential election in anyone’s memory. Emotions run high when discussing the two viable candidates, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, with the debate often centered around which candidate is worse. When it comes to the lives of unborn babies however, there is no debate as […]
DNC 2016 and the Pro-Life Issue
If you read Lois’s blog last week about the Republican National Convention, you’ll know that the GOP adopted its most pro-life platform in history. Unfortunately, not long after this pro-life victory, America watched the Democratic National Convention (DNC) adopt its most pro-abortion party platform ever. In 1996, their platform mentioned abortion one time. This year’s […]
RNC 2016 and the Pro-Life Issue
National party conventions are always good political theater. The Republican convention did not disappoint. There are still powerful players who want to see two pro-abortion parties, but for now the GOP remains pro-life. This is thanks to pro-lifers across the country who sent delegates to Cleveland with the goal of preserving and strengthening the pro-life […]
U.S. House Investigates Planned Parenthood
Following journalist David Daleiden’s shocking video exposé of Planned Parenthood, the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee said it would investigate the controversy surrounding profit from the sale of aborted baby body parts. The Chairman of the House Select Panel on Infant Lives, Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), held a hearing on April 20 to investigate whether […]
SCOTUS Strikes Down Key Provisions in HB 2
The Supreme Court (SCOTUS) ruled 5-3 in the case Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, which challenged a Texas law mandating abortion businesses abide by the same health and safety standards as all other ambulatory surgical health clinics. Whole Woman’s Health, an abortion facility, challenged two provisions of HB 2. They claimed it created an “undue […]
Tagged abortionabortion businessabortion centerabortion facilityabortionistshb 2planned parenthoodpoliticsscotussupreme court