Tax Dollars to Planned Parenthood Massively Increased in 2015-17 Biennium

Salem, OR — In passing HB 3391 this summer, Oregon’s governor, Kate Brown, and legislative Democrats massively expanded taxpayer-funded abortions.  The bill was the self-stated top priority of Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon. Suspecting financial motives, one of the pro-life members of the Oregon House made a public information request. The resulting information proves that […]

The Truth About Planned Parenthood Closures


Hardly a month goes by without reading that another Planned Parenthood facility is closing. The news is received with much joy and fanfare. Each and every closure is a victory because it will impact the number of babies and parents who will be spared the horrific ramifications of abortion. But, before we uncork the champagne […]

Life Notes

life notes

Daleiden charges dropped The San Francisco Superior Court dropped 14 of 15 charges against pro-life investigative journalists David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt. In a huge pro-life victory, the court ruled that counts 1-14 were legally insufficient. Daleiden and Merritt’s undercover videos exposed Planned Parenthood for selling aborted body parts such as fetal brains and livers. […]

Pro-life Progress in D.C.


After a year like 2016, it might feel as if the November election only just finished and the next one is blissfully far off. One expects there to be plenty of time for Congress and the White House to make sweeping pro-life policy changes. However, the reality is that, since the entire House and one-third […]

Planned Parenthood Misinformation


The old adage “If you tell a lie often enough, people will believe it” was on full display at Saturday’s so-called “Woman’s March,” co-sponsored by Planned Parenthood. What lie? The one that puts fear into the hearts of some women that this new administration is going to strip them of their “reproductive rights.” However, Planned […]
