2022 Legislative Wrapup: HB 4034

In the 2022 Oregon Legislative Session, we spent most of our time on three bills. One of those was HB 4034, an omnibus bill that included the expansion of abortion in Oregon. This bill was a buffet of barely linked provisions that cannot be shortly summarized. Maybe that’s why it’s just been called “A bill […]
Pro-Life Bills Die in Committee Without Hearing

Salem, OR—At the end of the day, February 7, SB 1553 and HB 4042 died in committee without receiving a hearing. Sponsored by Sen. Linthicum (R–Klamath Falls), Rep. Lewis (R–Silverton), Rep. Stark (R–Grants Pass) and other pro-life legislators, these bills would have established protection for mothers and infants. “I am disappointed in, but not surprised […]
Abortion is Not “Essential”

In Oregon, Governor Kate Brown made decisions about what businesses and industries were “essential” during the year-long shutdown in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Health care providers were deemed “non-essential” on March 19, 2020 when Gov. Brown signed an executive order calling for the temporary end of all elective procedures. Hospitals, clinics and dentist offices, […]
Planned Parenthood Increases Abortions by 6.6% in One Year

This week, Planned Parenthood released their 2019-2020 annual report. Here are some of the major takeaways from the report: As the nation’s largest provider of abortion, Planned Parenthood performed a record number of abortions: 354,871, a 6.6% increase from the prior year. Planned Parenthood received $616.1 million from the American taxpayers. Planned Parenthood’s total revenue […]
Planned Parenthood Chooses Abortion Services Over Healthcare Services

On August 19, Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, announced it will withdraw from the Title X federal program which provides family planning healthcare to low income Americans. Out of 4,000 Title X service sites in the nation, Planned Parenthood operates fewer than 400. “For decades we have heard Planned Parenthood claim abortion is just three percent […]
Tagged abortionoregonplanned parenthoodtitle x