Pro-Life Bills Die in Committee Without Hearing

Salem, OR—At the end of the day, February 7, SB 1553 and HB 4042 died in committee without receiving a hearing. Sponsored by Sen. Linthicum (R–Klamath Falls), Rep. Lewis (R–Silverton), Rep. Stark (R–Grants Pass) and other pro-life legislators, these bills would have established protection for mothers and infants. “I am disappointed in, but not surprised […]

Abortion is Not “Essential”

In Oregon, Governor Kate Brown made decisions about what businesses and industries were “essential” during the year-long shutdown in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Health care providers were deemed “non-essential” on March 19, 2020 when Gov. Brown signed an executive order calling for the temporary end of all elective procedures. Hospitals, clinics and dentist offices, […]

Planned Parenthood Increases Abortions by 6.6% in One Year

Kate Brown at PP rally

This week, Planned Parenthood released their 2019-2020 annual report. Here are some of the major takeaways from the report: As the nation’s largest provider of abortion, Planned Parenthood performed a record number of abortions: 354,871, a 6.6% increase from the prior year. Planned Parenthood received $616.1 million from the American taxpayers. Planned Parenthood’s total revenue […]

Planned Parenthood Chooses Abortion Services Over Healthcare Services

On August 19, Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, announced it will withdraw from the Title X federal program which provides family planning healthcare to low income Americans. Out of 4,000 Title X service sites in the nation, Planned Parenthood operates fewer than 400. “For decades we have heard Planned Parenthood claim abortion is just three percent […]

Statement: Portland City Council Puts on a Show

Wednesday, July 10, the Portland City Council almost unanimously (one member, Amanda Fritz, was on vacation) passed a resolution opposing any and all restrictions on abortion access. “Abortion is legal until the moment of birth here in Oregon. This resolution is completely unnecessary, a waste of the city’s resources,” says Oregon Right to Life Executive Director Lois […]
