Can the Unborn Feel Pain?

“The idea that unborn babies don’t feel pain is rooted in a bygone era when newborns were actually operated on without anesthesia or pain relief.”
Oregon Must Protect Unborn Babies Who Can Feel Pain

Oregon has no laws protecting the unborn from abortion. In this state, abortions can be performed at any stage of pregnancy, for any reason, even when the unique human being in the womb can feel pain. Oregon Right to Life has put forward SB:1536 Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act in the 2024 legislative session, urging […]
Here’s What Happened in the 2021 Legislative Session

With the Oregon Capitol closed to the public for the entire 81st Oregon Legislative Assembly, this session was a challenge for all advocacy groups. However, it was particularly challenging for pro-lifers and other groups that are not welcome to the unified Democratic control of both the House, Senate, and Governor’s mansion. Now that that session […]
Good News

In case you haven’t heard some of the great news lately, we wanted to catch you up! Colm Willis, Mike Nearman, Werner Reschke, Dennis Linthicum, and Rich Vial, all great pro-life candidates, won their contested primaries. There were other great candidates who won uncontested primaries too. The general election will be fierce but we’re ready […]
Tagged 20 weeksabortionabortion lawsgeneral electionoregon primary 2016pain-capablepoliticspro life