ORTL Speakers Bureau Reaches Hundreds

In the first three months of 2024, the Oregon Right to Life Education Foundation Speakers Bureau reached over 500 hundred people — and still aims to reach hundreds more. The Speakers Bureau is composed of ORTL staff who speak about pro-life topics. In 2020, the program came to a screeching halt due to the pandemic. […]
Lane County Student Wins Annual Oratory Contest

The Oregon Right to Life Education Foundation (ORTLEF) hosted its Oratory Competition on March 2, 2024, at the annual Together We Advocate conference. As part of the student contest program, individuals in 11th and 12th grades have the opportunity to present their pro-life stance on the topics of abortion, euthanasia, stem cell/cloning research or infanticide. […]
Together We Advocate 2019

Among our driving purposes at Oregon Right to Life is our intention to help Oregon’s pro-life community to be better connected to each other and better equipped to advocate for the vulnerable. That’s why we hold our annual conference every year! Together We Advocate 2019 is the largest pro-life conference in the Pacific Northwest. It […]
30,000 “Precious Pockets” and Counting

At each booth, ORTLEF has a basket of life-size fetal models to pass out when folks walk by the booths. By the end of summer, ORTLEF will have given away 30,000 models in just two years. Dawn Powers is the ORTL Education Foundation events director. When Powers was hired, she felt it was very important […]
Announcing … Together We Advocate 2018

For many years, Oregon Right to Life has organized an annual conference. Under the skillful leadership and vision of our past executive director, Gayle Atteberry, it has become one of the best pro-life conferences in the nation. (For example, we were one of the first to headline Abby Johnson, shortly before her meteoric rise in […]
Tagged lois andersonoregonORTL conferenceortl eventsortlefORTLef contestpro-liferstogether we advocate