An Inside Look at ORTL PAC’s Election Endorsement & Recommendation Process

Oregon Right to Life PAC is widely known for its political expertise and presence among other political organizations and voters, even described as a “kingmaker” by a left-leaning media outlet. Through decades of hard work, we have built the leadership platform and reputation we have today. Our efforts are known to make a difference in […]
ORTL Celebrates Pro-Life Legislative Appointments

Yesterday, July 23, Rep. Raquel Moore-Green was appointed to the Oregon Legislature by the Marion County Commissioners. She filled the seat vacated by Sen. Denyc Boles, after she was chosen to replace Sen. Jackie Winters. “Sen. Winters was a tireless advocate,” says Oregon Right to Life Executive Director Lois Anderson. “We are thrilled that Sen. […]
The Primary Challenge

Oregon Right to Life PAC has traditionally spent significant time and resources to win primary elections. Because we are in the midst of the 2018 primary, I think it would be helpful to explain why this is a critical part of our work. In Oregon, it hasn’t always been true that elected Republican officials were […]
Hope is Alive
When George Gershwin wrote “summertime and the livin’ is easy”, I think it’s safe to say he was never a pro-life activist and never worked on a political campaign. In spite of the classic song lyrics, the characters in Porgy and Bess were living through hard times, more difficult than any of us can imagine. […]
Tagged lois andersonortl pacpoliticsprolife politics