It’s The Little Things

We all love the big win. That is what we are looking for in the end — the big win to overturn Roe. However, big wins rarely happen without a lot of little things happening first. My son plays high school football, as did his older brother. It has been wonderful for both of them, […]
A New Season

“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven.” This familiar phrase from the book of Ecclesiastes comes to mind as I look back on my first nine months as executive director. I am in a new season in my life. I am learning a new role at home, […]
A Fresh New Year

I love to turn the page on a calendar to a new year. With nothing written on it, there are so many possibilities to consider. For me, it will be a year of “firsts” as I embark on my first full year as executive director. In fact, as I am writing this, I am in […]
Humbled and Honored

I love September. It was my favorite month growing up. It meant school starting, new supplies, new clothes, maybe new shoes if I needed them. It also meant glorious days, sunny but cool, and ripe blackberries for a snack on the walk home from the bus stop. If I didn’t have too much homework, an […]
Meet our New Executive Director, Lois

Since 1999, Lois Anderson has been a key part of the strategy and execution of Oregon Right to Life’s efforts. She served as director of political operations for 17 years prior to assuming her current role as executive director. Lois was also instrumental in launching ORTL’s overhauled digital communication efforts in 2014 and the organization’s re-branding in 2016.
Tagged lois andersonortl executive director