Together We Advocate 2019

Among our driving purposes at Oregon Right to Life is our intention to help Oregon’s pro-life community to be better connected to each other and better equipped to advocate for the vulnerable. That’s why we hold our annual conference every year! Together We Advocate 2019 is the largest pro-life conference in the Pacific Northwest. It […]
30,000 “Precious Pockets” and Counting

At each booth, ORTLEF has a basket of life-size fetal models to pass out when folks walk by the booths. By the end of summer, ORTLEF will have given away 30,000 models in just two years. Dawn Powers is the ORTL Education Foundation events director. When Powers was hired, she felt it was very important […]
Announcing … Together We Advocate 2018

For many years, Oregon Right to Life has organized an annual conference. Under the skillful leadership and vision of our past executive director, Gayle Atteberry, it has become one of the best pro-life conferences in the nation. (For example, we were one of the first to headline Abby Johnson, shortly before her meteoric rise in […]
Roe v. Wade Memorial & March

Please join us as we return to Pioneer Courthouse Square in the heart of downtown Portland for our annual gathering to commemorate the forty-fifth anniversary of the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion on demand. Given the current political climate, we are planning for a large turnout and are encouraging all pro-lifers to join us […]
2017 Upcoming Events

State and County Fairs July through August Uncork and Unwind! Reception Thursday, August 31 6:30 to 8:30 pm Lady Hill Winery 8400 Champoeg Rd. NE St. Paul, OR 97137 For tickets, call 503-304-1531 A family-friendly evening of food, fellowship, music, and wine tasting! Tickets sales and donations benefit the life-saving ministry of More […]
Tagged auctioncounty fairslife chainsortl eventsroe v wade rally