Tax Dollars to Planned Parenthood Massively Increased in 2015-17 Biennium

Salem, OR — In passing HB 3391 this summer, Oregon’s governor, Kate Brown, and legislative Democrats massively expanded taxpayer-funded abortions.  The bill was the self-stated top priority of Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon. Suspecting financial motives, one of the pro-life members of the Oregon House made a public information request. The resulting information proves that […]

Words from an Advocate: Oregon Foster Parent

The following is a guest post from Kristin Hunziker, who is an Oregon foster parent: “Words alone change nothing. Words connected to your heart can change everything.” We stand in church and sing so many songs whose lyrics speak of giving our lives to God, telling us how in all facets of our existence to […]

Lessons Learned in the Oregon Legislature

This summer is a time of transition for our PAC as the legislative session wraps up and Lois Anderson prepares to become Oregon Right to Life’s executive director. I’ve learned that it’s helpful to process what each season teaches us and use that to plan for next time. I want to share some observations about […]

Lessons Learned in the Oregon Legislature

David Kilada Political Director

This summer is a time of transition for our PAC as the legislative session wraps up and Lois Anderson prepares to become Oregon Right to Life’s executive director. I’ve learned that it’s helpful to process what each season teaches us and use that to plan for next time. I want to share some observations about […]

Why We Need You to be a Lobbyist

daivid kilada

Lobbyists are not popular in America. If there’s a list of professions that we tend to look down on, they rank somewhere up there with door-to-door salesmen and IRS agents (my apologies to both groups). But when you boil it down, you discover that any politically engaged citizen is no less a lobbyist than the […]
