Oregon March for Life Welcomes Pro-Life Advocates from Across Oregon

Salem, Ore. — Pro-life advocates from across Oregon gathered outside the State Capitol in Salem on Saturday for the annual Oregon March for Life.  This year’s March featured speeches by Portland Archbishop Alexander Sample, former Senate leader Sen. Tim Knopp (R-Bend), and OSU Pro-Life Student Alliance leader Rebecca Lang, among others. This is the first […]

Updated Pro-Life Advance Directive Available

Oregon Right to Life (ORTL) strives to protect all life from fertilization until natural death. That means we work to protect the most vulnerable humans, from the unborn baby in the womb to people facing end-of-life decisions. In our state, where physician-assisted suicide is tragically becoming increasingly common, it is especially important to ensure that […]

Together We Advocate Never Disappoints

As President of the Oregon Right to Life Education Foundation (ORTLEF), I encourage you to educate yourself about pro-life issues by attending the annual Together We Advocate conference each March. I always learn so much and enjoy the opportunity to connect with pro-life advocates from around the state and beyond.   The keynote speakers were amazing […]

Make Your Pro-Life Voice Heard at Oregon March for Life

The annual Oregon March for Life is rapidly approaching this spring.  For decades, Oregonian pro-life advocates marched on the January anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court case legalizing abortion across the United States in 1973. But beginning this year, the march will be held in May, commemorating when Oregon legalized abortion in 1969.  […]

Oregon Health Authority Launches ‘Abortion Access’ Website

Salem, Ore. — Today, the Oregon Health Authority’s Reproductive Health Program announced the launch of an abortion access webpage. The site directs vulnerable women from Oregon and outside the state into an abortion pipeline.  The “Abortion Access” website contains vague content that could have dangerous consequences for many in our state. For example, the descriptions […]
