FDA and OHSU Use Aborted Baby Body Parts

In August, it was uncovered that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been using aborted babies’ livers and thymuses for medical research since 2012. According to a Harvard University paper submitted to the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Congressional Committee, these organs have been implanted into mice to attempt to create human immune […]
OHA Admits to Violating Federal Abortion Law, OHSU May be Next

On November 17, Pat Allen, director of the Oregon Health Authority (OHA), issued a letter to the governor’s office detailing significant financial problems with the agency. According to The Oregonian, Allen revealed that OHA erroneously made close to $150 million in overpayments of federal Medicaid funds. However, additionally troubling was the revelation that OHA has […]
Tagged abortionabortion businessfederal lawfetal organshyde amendmentOHAOHSUprolifeprolife politicstax-payer money