A Time for All Things

Twenty-two years ago, the Lord called me to take the position of Oregon Right to Life Executive Director. It seemed a daunting task, but God assured me that He would be with me every step of the way. True to His nature, He has led me through the years, teaching, guiding, inspiring and encouraging. Much […]
Election Results: Roe V. Wade Lost
What a year. A year dominated by a crazy, unpredictable presidential race that sent experienced operatives back to the drawing board and the establishment scurrying. No one predicted that, when the dust settled, we would have a president, Senate, and Congress poised to pass pro-life legislation. Even Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood, said, “I […]
Hope is Alive
When George Gershwin wrote “summertime and the livin’ is easy”, I think it’s safe to say he was never a pro-life activist and never worked on a political campaign. In spite of the classic song lyrics, the characters in Porgy and Bess were living through hard times, more difficult than any of us can imagine. […]
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