Life Notes – Sept-Nov

Daleiden charges dropped Seven of the eleven charges against David Daleiden and his organization, the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), were dropped by the National Abortion Federation (NAF) in July. In 2015, NAF sued Daleiden and CMP for releasing undercover videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s trafficking of baby body parts, illegal under federal law. The videos […]

Abortion: a cog in the human trafficking machine Human trafficking is the second largest crime industry, trailing only illegal drugs. The money- driven industry, which exploits innocent and vulnerable people, is heavily dependent upon the abortion industry to function at its maximum capacity. Nita Belles, of Oregonians Against Trafficking Humans, reports that a trafficker with […]
Life Notes – Sept/Nov

Seven states are nearly abortion free! Seven states in the U.S. have only one abortion clinic left, including Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, West Virginia, and Wyoming. Pro-life lawmakers in Kentucky and Mississippi have been particularly diligent in their work to protect unborn babies from abortion. Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin has cracked down […]
Life Notes December-January

Planned Parenthood: “We’re just getting started.” In mid-October, Planned Parenthood marked its 100th anniversary shortly before the November 8 election. Only 3 weeks later, when it became apparent that Hillary Clinton had lost the election, the abortion giant’s CEO, Cecile Richards, emailed these words to supporters: “Devastated. Angry. Heartbroken. Outraged. Shocked. Sad. Disgusted. Ashamed. Discouraged. […]
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