Kamala Harris Misled on Late-Term Abortions, Infanticide During Presidential Debate

Pro-life apologist Trent Horn takes apart Kamala Harris’ false claims.
Abortion Extremists in Oregon Senate Vote for Infanticide

Salem, OR— This morning, a majority of the Oregon Senate voted down SB 586, the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act. The vote was 18-11 in opposition to a bill that would have required medical care to be given to a baby that survives a failed abortion procedure. CDC data from 2003 to 2014 reveals at least 143 babies […]
New York, Virginia, Where Next?

Advocates have been contacting us in response to the news that state legislation is being considered and even passed (New York) that removes any mention of protections for unborn children in the law. Last night, I watched horrified as a Virginia delegate and the state’s governor calmly describe infanticide as a perfectly reasonable option in […]
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