Unions, Abortion and the Supreme Court

Until this year, public sector unions in Oregon have been taking mandatory dues from government employees, even non-union members. Millions of those dollars are then diverted to fund pro-abortion groups. These groups then support pro-abortion candidates for office who are committed to keeping this cycle going. If you are a public employee, you can finally […]
Brown threatens healthcare access for 50,000 Oregonians

Monday, July 30, Gov. Kate Brown announced that she would reject all Title X funding if the Department of Health and Human Services adopts new Title X rules. The Protect Life Rule would prevent abortion providers from qualifying for money under the Title X family planning program. It is estimated that this would cut $50 […]
Tax Dollars to Planned Parenthood Massively Increased in 2015-17 Biennium

Salem, OR — In passing HB 3391 this summer, Oregon’s governor, Kate Brown, and legislative Democrats massively expanded taxpayer-funded abortions. The bill was the self-stated top priority of Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon. Suspecting financial motives, one of the pro-life members of the Oregon House made a public information request. The resulting information proves that […]
The Truth About Planned Parenthood Closures

Hardly a month goes by without reading that another Planned Parenthood facility is closing. The news is received with much joy and fanfare. Each and every closure is a victory because it will impact the number of babies and parents who will be spared the horrific ramifications of abortion. But, before we uncork the champagne […]
DNC 2016 and the Pro-Life Issue

If you read Lois’s blog last week about the Republican National Convention, you’ll know that the GOP adopted its most pro-life platform in history. Unfortunately, not long after this pro-life victory, America watched the Democratic National Convention (DNC) adopt its most pro-abortion party platform ever. In 1996, their platform mentioned abortion one time. This year’s […]
Tagged abortiondavid daleidendemocratic partyelection 2016exposing planned parenthoodplanned parenthoodpoliticspro-life democrats