Two Euthanasia Bills Scheduled for Votes

Two bills, House Bill 2217 and Senate Bill 579, both of which would expand Oregon’s physician-assisted suicide law, have been scheduled for votes in their respective committees. “Vulnerable Oregonians in medical crisis need protection and support,” said Lois Anderson, ORTL executive director. “These bills would do the very opposite of that and place them in […]

HB 2217 Scheduled For Hearing

House Bill 2217, one of four bills this legislative session that would expand Oregon’s physician-assisted suicide law, has been scheduled for a public hearing on Tuesday, March 19 at 3:00 p.m. in room Hearing Room E. Oregon Right to Life opposes this bill. Oregon’s physician-assisted suicide law contains a frightening loophole in which someone else […]

21 years of doctors ending lives

The Oregon Health Authority recently released the latest statistics on physician-assisted suicide in the state. In 2018, 249 people received lethal prescriptions. Of that group, 168 people died from ingesting the lethal medication (up from 158 in 2017). Since the law was passed in 1997, doctors have written 2,217 lethal prescriptions; 1,459 people have died […]

Belgium euthanized three children ages 9, 11, and 17

When Belgium extended euthanasia to children in February 2014 by eliminating the age limit for lethal injection, we had hoped that no child would die in this manner. The first official child euthanasia in Belgium was reported in September 2016. The 2017 Belgian euthanasia data shows that the number of euthanasia deaths continues to increase, […]

Life Notes – Sept-Nov

life notes

Daleiden charges dropped Seven of the eleven charges against David Daleiden and his organization, the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), were dropped by the National Abortion Federation (NAF) in July. In 2015, NAF sued Daleiden and CMP for releasing undercover videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s trafficking of baby body parts, illegal under federal law. The videos […]
