Pro-Life Victory: Delaware Governor Vetoes Assisted Suicide Bill

Delaware Gov. John Carney vetoed a bill that would have legalized physician-assisted suicide in the state.
Tragic New Survey Suggests 71% of Americans Support Legal Euthanasia

The majority of Americans reportedly believe euthanasia and assisted suicide should be legal.
Oregon’s Disturbing Status as Assisted Suicide Destination Highlighted in New Report

Oregon’s loosened restrictions on legal assisted suicide are encouraging Americans from across the country to travel to the Beaver State to obtain death-inducing drugs.
Hospital Negligence Leads Paralyzed Canadian Man to Choose Assisted Suicide

A quadriplegic former truck driver chose physician-assisted suicide in March after experiencing serious neglect at the hands of hospital employees months earlier.
Updated Pro-Life Advance Directive Available

Oregon Right to Life (ORTL) strives to protect all life from fertilization until natural death. That means we work to protect the most vulnerable humans, from the unborn baby in the womb to people facing end-of-life decisions. In our state, where physician-assisted suicide is tragically becoming increasingly common, it is especially important to ensure that […]
Tagged advance directiveassisted suicideend of lifeend of life treatmenteuthanasiaoregonpro life