Updated Pro-Life Advance Directive Available

Oregon Right to Life (ORTL) strives to protect all life from fertilization until natural death. That means we work to protect the most vulnerable humans, from the unborn baby in the womb to people facing end-of-life decisions. In our state, where physician-assisted suicide is tragically becoming increasingly common, it is especially important to ensure that […]
Pulling Out the Stops

Oregon Right to Life has never fought so hard at the state capitol as it has since January in working to stop SB494, the bill touted to be a “simple update” on Oregon’s advance directive, but in reality, it would allow the starving and dehydration of mentally incapacitated patients. We have spared no expense, cut […]
How Important are Advance Directives?

Filling out this document could save your life. This summer brought news that one of the nation’s largest health insurance companies, Aetna, will be withdrawing from most Obama health care exchanges in 2017. Aetna follows United HealthCare and Humana in withdrawing, all having lost millions of dollars in the exchanges this year alone. Obamacare regulations […]
Tagged advance directiveend of lifeend of life treatmentliving willobamacarepolstwills