Pro-life Cause Marches on in Washington, D.C.

On January 27, tens/hundreds of thousands of pro-life Americans descended on the nation’s capital for the March for Life. The crowds celebrated the recent electoral successes that have given the pro-life cause the greatest opportunity to protect life in U.S. history. As a sign of the times, the march featured the highest ranking elected official […]
2017 Freedom Rally

Support Freedom at the 2017 Freedom Rally February 25th at 12 PM Oregon Convention Center Registration opens at 11:30 AM $35 per person, lunch included. Youth under 16 are free. Online Registration Here Online Registration Here
Dennis Richardson Wins Stunning Pro-life Victory!

On election night, Dennis Richardson became the first pro-life candidate to win a statewide election in Oregon in more than a decade. Richardson won the critical office of Secretary of State, beating pro-abortion extremist Brad Avakian. The Secretary of State oversees elections, audits government gencies, and is next in line to become governor. For years, […]
Tagged dennis richardsonoregon electionspro-life victory