Life Notes – Sept/Nov

Seven states are nearly abortion free! Seven states in the U.S. have only one abortion clinic left, including Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, West Virginia, and Wyoming. Pro-life lawmakers in Kentucky and Mississippi have been particularly diligent in their work to protect unborn babies from abortion. Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin has cracked down […]
No Federal Funding for Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood sold baby parts and should be stripped of funding, so finds a select U. S. House investigative panel. One of the first actions of the 115th Congress was the release of a report by a Select Investigative Panel of the Energy and Commerce Committee. The subject of the report wasn’t, as the committee’s […]
Defund Planned Parenthood Rally in Portland
On February 11, pro-lifers across the country will hold rallies at Planned Parenthood facilities, calling for an immediate end to the organization’s federal funding. Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion chain and receives over $500 million from taxpayers every year. But pro-life leaders in Washington are now moving to end that government subsidy. Come […]
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