Life Notes

Daleiden charges dropped The San Francisco Superior Court dropped 14 of 15 charges against pro-life investigative journalists David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt. In a huge pro-life victory, the court ruled that counts 1-14 were legally insufficient. Daleiden and Merritt’s undercover videos exposed Planned Parenthood for selling aborted body parts such as fetal brains and livers. […]
DNC 2016 and the Pro-Life Issue

If you read Lois’s blog last week about the Republican National Convention, you’ll know that the GOP adopted its most pro-life platform in history. Unfortunately, not long after this pro-life victory, America watched the Democratic National Convention (DNC) adopt its most pro-abortion party platform ever. In 1996, their platform mentioned abortion one time. This year’s […]
Judge Clears Journalist Daleiden

In June, a Texas Judge, Diane Bull, dismissed a misdemeanor charge against investigative journalist David Daleiden, calling the indictment “void on its face.” Last summer, Daleiden released videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s trafficking in aborted baby body parts. Daleiden, an undercover journalist with the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), has nearly a decade of experience in […]
Journalist Who Exposed Planned Parenthood Speaks At ORTL Conference!

A highlight of this year’s Oregon Right to Life Conference was keynote speaker and citizen journalist David Daleiden, best known as the journalist who broke the story about Planned Parenthood selling aborted baby body parts for profit. Daleiden has nearly a decade of experience in conducting investigative research on the abortion industry. In 2013, he […]
Tagged david daleidenexposing planned parenthoodortl conferencem