Abortion Extremists in Oregon Senate Vote for Infanticide

Salem, OR— This morning, a majority of the Oregon Senate voted down SB 586, the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act. The vote was 18-11 in opposition to a bill that would have required medical care to be given to a baby that survives a failed abortion procedure. CDC data from 2003 to 2014 reveals at least 143 babies […]
Sen. Patterson Refuse to Protect Babies Born-Alive

This legislative session, Oregon Right to Life introduced Senate Bill 586, the Born-Alive Infant Protection bill. It would require abortion providers to deliver life-saving care for a baby born alive during an abortion. Data from the CDC shows that as many as 143 babies have survived a failed abortion then died. A poll of likely […]
Tagged born-aliveborn-alive infant protectionoregon legislaturepro-life legislation