2023 Legislative Session Produces Some Pro-Life Victories

Salem, Ore.—The 2023 legislative session adjourned sine die the afternoon of Sunday, June 25. The session was dominated by the longest walkout in Oregon’s history, which occurred partly in response to extreme abortion bills like House Bill 2002. As a result of the extended denial of quorum, pro-life senators secured significant concessions. “We’re proud of […]
Annual “Death with Dignity” Report Reveals Decreased Health Provider Presence with Victims

Salem, Ore.—Oregon Health Authority recently released its 25th annual report on assisted suicide in the state. The report reveals that physician-assisted suicide prescriptions increased for the 23rd time in its 25-year history. The predominance of short patient-physician relationships and time between first request and ingestion continued in 2022. At least one physician knew their patient […]
An Important Message for Pro-Life Voters

2022 is shaping up to be the best opportunity in a generation to elect a pro-life Governor in Oregon. This is a bold statement, and there are four good reasons we can make this claim. There is no incumbent. All of the leading Republican candidates are pro-life. A well-funded, non-affiliated candidate will compete for pro-choice […]
“Death with Dignity” Report Reveals Continued Neglect of Mental Illness

Salem, OR—Oregon recently released its 24th annual report on assisted suicide in the state. In 2021, 383 people received lethal prescriptions. Of that group, 218 people died from ingesting the lethal medication. That includes 20 patients who used prescriptions for assisted suicide acquired in previous years (2020 report). Since the law was passed in 1997, doctors have […]
Gov. Brown Signs SB 579 Into Law

On July 23, Governor Kate Brown signed Senate Bill 579 into law, eliminating the waiting periods for those near death who may desire or have been pressured into accessing physician-assisted suicide. “By signing this bill, Governor Kate Brown shirked her duty to protect Oregon’s citizens,” says Oregon Right to Life Executive Director Lois Anderson. “Oregon’s ‘Death with Dignity’ […]
Tagged assisted suicideassisted suicide lawend of lifeeuthanasiaoregon legislature