Senate Bill 494: Victory and Vigilance!

Senate Bill 494, which would have allowed the starvation and dehydration of dementia and Alzheimer’s patients, took its final breaths in the House Judiciary Committee before it met a timely death. The bill died because of many forces at work: God’s miraculous goodness, a vast army of pro-life Oregonians who called and emailed their senators, […]
Assisted Suicides Up in Oregon

According to the 2016 assisted suicide report, put out by Oregon’s Public Health Division, there were 133 reported assisted suicide deaths in 2016. There were 204 lethal prescriptions obtained in 2016. Once the prescribing physician writes the prescription, the law does not require further oversight. After the person’s death, the prescribing physician is required to […]
Pro-lifers Make a Difference

The 2017 Oregon legislative session has brought an onslaught of deadly bills such has never been seen before. As chronicled in the Feb/March issue of Life in Oregon, SB 494 allowed for the starvation and dehydration death of dementia patients. The bill was so novel in its deadly plans that it received nationwide attention. Articles […]
Tagged assisted suicide lawhb3391oregonsb 893