Two Physician-Assisted Suicide Expansion Bills Voted to Chamber Floors

Salem, OR–Two bills expanding physician-assisted suicide in Oregon have been sent to the full House and Senate. Senate Bill 579 was voted out of the Senate Judiciary Committee by a vote of 4-3 on April 8. House Bill 2217 was voted out of the House Health Care Committee by a vote of 7-4 on April […]
SB 579 Creates Same-day Suicide Request Scheme

Senate Bill 579 is the second physician-assisted suicide expansion bill to have a hearing in the Oregon Legislature. It has been scheduled for a public hearing in Senate Judiciary Committee on Friday, April 5 at 9:30 a.m. in Hearing Room C. Oregon Right to life opposes this bill. SB 579 creates a dangerous loophole in […]
21 years of doctors ending lives

The Oregon Health Authority recently released the latest statistics on physician-assisted suicide in the state. In 2018, 249 people received lethal prescriptions. Of that group, 168 people died from ingesting the lethal medication (up from 158 in 2017). Since the law was passed in 1997, doctors have written 2,217 lethal prescriptions; 1,459 people have died […]
Just Six States have Legalized Assisted Suicide Despite Massive Push

In 2007, there were 26 states that were challenged by assisted suicide campaigns and all 26 states rejected it. This year, 25 states have had assisted suicide bills in their legislatures and, as of now, only Hawaii has passed the bill. Yet, the theme that the media is portraying is that the assisted suicide lobby […]
20 Years with Oregon’s Assisted Suicide Law

October 27 marks 20 years since Oregon’s Physician Assisted Suicide law took effect. Oregon was the first U.S. state and first government in the world to legalize physician assisted suicide. First introduced as Measure 16, it is regarded as one of the most controversial ballot measures in Oregon’s history and has resulted in the deaths […]
Tagged assisted suicideassisted suicide lawDWDAend of lifeeuthanasiaoregonoregon legislatureoregon right to lifeORTLortl pro-lifePASpoliticspro lifepro-lifersscotussupreme court