Applicants Halted for ‘Suicide Pod’ Following American Woman’s Death, Police Investigation

Applications for use of a so-called “suicide pod” in Switzerland have been suspended after an American woman became the first person to take her own life using the device last month, prompting a police investigation.
Oregon Call to Action: Urge Delaware Governor to Veto Assisted Suicide Bill

A leader in the movement against euthanasia is rallying pro-life advocates from around the country to encourage Delaware’s Democratic governor to veto a bill…
Gov. Brown Signs SB 579 Into Law

On July 23, Governor Kate Brown signed Senate Bill 579 into law, eliminating the waiting periods for those near death who may desire or have been pressured into accessing physician-assisted suicide. “By signing this bill, Governor Kate Brown shirked her duty to protect Oregon’s citizens,” says Oregon Right to Life Executive Director Lois Anderson. “Oregon’s ‘Death with Dignity’ […]
Oregon Legislature Eliminates PAS Waiting Periods

Senate Bill 579 eliminates physician-assisted suicide waiting periods for those diagnosed as near death. The Oregon House passed the bill 35-22 yesterday. It will now become law unless the governor vetoes it. “The Legislature heard from highly qualified and experienced medical professionals who testified that this bill is not only unnecessary but dangerous,” says Lois Anderson, ORTL executive director. […]
Despite Bipartisan Opposition, SB 579 Passes Senate

Senate Bill 579 would eliminate physician-assisted suicide waiting periods for those near death. The Oregon Senate passed the bill 16-11. “Every person has a right to be valued and treated ethically, especially during their last days of life,” says Lois Anderson, ORTL executive director. “Persons near death deserve the same protections under the law. Even more, […]
Tagged assisted suicideassisted suicide lawend of lifeeuthanasiaoregon electionsoregon legislaturepolitics