Why Gender Justice Does Not Justify Abortion

There are right and wrong ways to secure women’s rights, and zeal must not continue to lead us to oppress one group of people for the sake of another.

WATCH: Pro-Choice People Change Their Minds About Abortion

Many people support legal abortion without clearly understanding who the unborn are and what abortion is. Watch ordinary pro-choice Americans change their minds when they learn with the truth.

‘It’s This Simple’: Why We’re Pro-Life

Have you ever noticed that conversations about abortion frequently become conversations about something other than abortion?

12 Students Gain Pro-Life Skills at ‘Launch’

Every spring break, pro-life students between the ages of 16–21 participate in Launch, Oregon Right to Life’s annual four-day, three-night youth leadership retreat. This year, 12 incredible students joined us for this exciting event, gaining the practical guidance and instruction necessary to help them become vital members of the pro-life movement.  Each Launch participant engaged […]
