SB 1606 Unanimously Passes

Yesterday, Senate Bill 1606 unanimously passed the Oregon Legislature. In a bipartisan effort driven by Sen. Sara Gelser (D-Corvallis), this bill will protect Oregonians with disabilities who need to be admitted to hospitals during this pandemic. “All Oregonians deserve advocates, particularly those who cannot advocate for themselves,” says Lois Anderson, ORTL executive director. “We were […]
New York, Virginia, Where Next?

Advocates have been contacting us in response to the news that state legislation is being considered and even passed (New York) that removes any mention of protections for unborn children in the law. Last night, I watched horrified as a Virginia delegate and the state’s governor calmly describe infanticide as a perfectly reasonable option in […]
Tools to Help Advocate

By Liberty Pike, Communications Director This summer, the Oregon Right to Life Education Foundation will have a physical presence at over 30 fairs and festivals, thanks to the hard work of countless local advocates. At least two hundred thousand people will have access to ORTLEF booths at these events. The question we have spent a […]
Words from an Advocate: Mom of a Child with Down Syndrome

A 1999 European study stated that 90% of babies diagnosed with Down syndrome before birth are aborted. However, most of the U.S. does not track those statistics so that number cannot reliably be used here. That being said, about a dozen states do keep track of and gather information around prenatal testing. In 2012, a […]
Tagged abortionadvocacyadvocatedown syndromeprenatal diagnosispro life