FDA Eliminates Chemical Abortion Safeguards for Women

Yesterday, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) moved to weaken chemical abortion safeguards designed to protect women from complications or potential abusive circumstances. The new policy will allow for mail-order abortions without in-person medical supervision. Chemical abortion, often referred to as the abortion pill, RU-486, or Mifeprex, can be performed up to 11 weeks gestation. […]
Mail Order Abortion Scheme

The Atlantic (10/18/2018) reported that a European abortion pill provider that has not previously shipped to the United States has quietly begun sending the abortion pill to this country. The organization, Women on Web, based in the Netherlands, has been shipping the pill to women around the world for years, often illegally. It sells the […]
RU 486 Abortion Numbers Rise

Oregon a test state for mail-order abortion drugs RU 486 (mifepristone) is a drug used with misoprostol to cause an abortion. The use of RU 486 has risen steadily since it was approved by the Federal Drug Administration in 2000. In its first decade of use, 1.5 million unborn babies lost their lives to this […]
FDA Expands Use Of RU 486

On March 30, the U.S. Federal Drug Administration relaxed rules governing the use of the abortion drug RU-486, expanding access to the procedure. Abortion proponents, who lobbied the administration to change the rules, applauded the action. Mifepristone/misoprostol chemical abortions, first approved in 2000, make up about one quarter of all abortions. The drug has claimed […]
Dismemberment Abortions
WARNING: The following blog is very graphic Abortion is a grisly business. The main reason it continues is that no one can see the dead babies. If the public were able to see the carnage being done behind the abortion clinic’s doors, there would be an uprising. Most abortions are done during the first nine […]
Tagged abortionabortion pilldismemberment abortionRU486suction abortion