Statement on June Medical Services v. Russo

Monday morning, the Supreme Court of the United States handed down an unfavorable decision in the case June Medical Services v. Russo. This decision struck down the law requiring abortion providers have admitting privileges at local hospitals. “Admitting privileges are a reasonable standard,” says Lois Anderson, ORTL executive director. “Women are injured inside abortion facilities every […]
OHA Admits to Violating Federal Abortion Law, OHSU May be Next

On November 17, Pat Allen, director of the Oregon Health Authority (OHA), issued a letter to the governor’s office detailing significant financial problems with the agency. According to The Oregonian, Allen revealed that OHA erroneously made close to $150 million in overpayments of federal Medicaid funds. However, additionally troubling was the revelation that OHA has […]
SCOTUS Strikes Down Key Provisions in HB 2

The Supreme Court (SCOTUS) ruled 5-3 in the case Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, which challenged a Texas law mandating abortion businesses abide by the same health and safety standards as all other ambulatory surgical health clinics. Whole Woman’s Health, an abortion facility, challenged two provisions of HB 2. They claimed it created an “undue […]
Tagged abortionabortion businessabortion centerabortion facilityabortionistshb 2planned parenthoodpoliticsscotussupreme court