State News

Idaho Lawmakers Decisively Approve Bill to Require Pro-Life Human Development Lessons in School
Pro-life lawmakers have introduced a similar piece of legislation in Oregon.

Colorado Bill to Increase Oversight of Late-Term Abortion Facilities Fails in Committee
Like Oregon, Colorado allows legal abortion up to the moment of birth.

Idaho Senate Passes Bill to Bring Pro-Life Education about Human Development to Grade Schools
The Idaho Senate on Thursday advanced a pro-life bill that could help students recognize the scientific realities behind the pro-life position that the unborn are human beings with rights deserving of legal protection.

Washington State Pharmacists Prescribed Abortion Pills to Dozens of Women Last Year
The news comes as abortion pills have become easier to access than ever before, heightening concerns among pro-life advocates about risks to the unborn and to pregnant moms.

Idaho Pregnancy Resource Center Provides Life-Affirming Care Even As Oregon Promotes Abortion Tourism
Treasure Valley Path is a crucial resource for women and girls experiencing unsupported pregnancies, including those who may feel that abortion is their only option.

Idaho Can Enforce Pro-Life Law Against Abortion Trafficking, Federal Court Rules
Idaho can once again enforce its abortion trafficking law that protects minors from being transported to states like Oregon for abortions, thanks to a Tuesday decision by a federal court.