March 23-26, 2025
DEADLINE EXTENDED: Applications accepted through March 6th
what is
Launch is our pro-life leadership retreat for young adults, aged 16-21. Over four days and three nights, Launch attendees will be thoroughly trained on all aspects of the pro-life movement.
A variety of experienced pro-life advocates and speakers from the Pacific Northwest will be presenting, including Equal Rights Institute, Save One, and Physicians for Compassionate Care.
The registration fee of $200 covers lodging and all meals. Scholarships are available as needed.

the word from
Past Launches
Launch was life-changing.
This was incredible!
I learned and retained a ton of info.
Launch tackled all of the big questions. Nothing was taboo. [I] have been reminded to engage in the pro-life conversation simply in day to day conversations instead of only ‘doing’ pro-life stuff.
Launch so informative and fun! I LOVED listening to Alan explain abortion and cloning because he was so informative. I also loved listening to Jessica because she had so much information on past abortion cases.
I liked the Portland trip and talking to people up there. I also enjoyed the euthanasia session because we mostly hear about abortion stuff.
I had an amazing experience at Launch! I learned better arguments and reasons to defend my pro-life stance. I had an amazing time at this retreat.
I loved Alan’s session because it was really interesting. I liked the Portland field trip best because it pushed me out of my comfort zone.
The best part of the Launch training was learning to persuasively convince people that life is valuable.
The registration fee is $200, all-inclusive.
Launch is for pro-life students age 16-21.
Though Launch deals with abortion, assisted suicide, and other serious life issues, the retreat is fun, educational, and inspirational for everyone who attends.
Launch is designed to train and encourage advocates to help defend the unborn and the vulnerable in whatever they choose to do with their lives. Our goal is for every pro-life student to become a leader for life in their community.
Launch is a leadership retreat that covers virtually all aspects of careers that have contact with abortion: education, social services, politics, and medicine. During Launch, students learn that they don’t have to be a “professional” pro-life advocate to save lives. There are practical ways they can live a pro-life lifestyle and help save babies.
Launch is held at Macleay Retreat Center in Salem, Oregon.
Oregon Right to Life was founded in 1970. Oregon Right to Life advocates for the most vulnerable human beings whose right to life is denied or abridged under current law. We work to reestablish protection for all innocent human life from conception to natural death.