Celebrate Logo Update

June 2024

Celebrate Life in your community and participate for a chance to win pro-life prizes!

what is

Celebrate Life

On June 24th, 2024, we celebrate the second anniversary of the Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v. Wade. A moment in history that so many worked toward and a significant victory for human rights.

But the end of Roe doesn’t mean our job is done. It is the beginning of a new era for the pro-life movement in Oregon. More than ever, we must call for justice for the unborn and support life in tangible ways. 

That’s why we’re taking action with Celebrate Life Month.

Celebrate Life is a time to intentionally engage in local pro-life support and advocacy. Over four themed weeks during June, you can complete action items and enter prize drawings — all while celebrating the end of Roe and making a difference in your Oregon community.

Week 1

Pregnancy Resource
Center Support

June 3–9, 2024

Pregnancy resource centers empower women and families to choose life by providing medical, material, and emotional support. This week, do something to support pregnancy resource centers in your community as they help women and families in need!

  • Donate to your local pregnancy resource center (PRC). Needed items often include diapers, wipes, formula, and new or gently used maternity and children’s clothing. Check your PRC’s website or contact them directly to find out what resources are needed. 

  • Host a virtual baby shower to benefit a local PRC. 

  • Is your church connected with a PRC? If not, talk to church leadership to see how your church can partner with a local PRC. This article may be helpful. 

  • Volunteer at your local PRC. They need volunteers with all kinds of skills. Ask how you can help!

  • Fundraise. Can you hold a bake sale? Coordinate a baby bottle drive?

  • Write a note to encourage the staff at your local PRC.

Week 2

Grassroots Advocacy

June 10–16, 2024

Have you ever wondered what people really think about the radical abortion laws we have in Oregon? This is an opportunity to challenge yourself, educate your community about the realities of abortion in Oregon, and if nothing else, plant a seed with your neighbors.

  • Get connected with your local Oregon Right to Life Chapter (locate your nearest chapter here). Can’t find one nearby? Consider starting one! Give us a call at 503-463-8563 to find out more.

  • Take an hour to go visit your neighbors, ask them what they think of Oregon’s radical abortion policies, and open up a conversation. We even have a script for you!

  • If you’d like to be more strategic in your door-knocking adventure, email celebratelife@ortl.org to request an i360 account. Using this app will help you go door-knocking at households that are more likely to be persuadable. 

  • Distribute pregnancy resources and abortion pill reversal information in your community at local businesses and community events.

  • Talk to a pro-choice friend or family member. 
    • Improve your dialogue and apologetics skills with Equal Rights Institute Quick Response videos

    • Door hangers are available at the ORTL office for Marion/Polk and surrounding areas. See local events for local door-knocking opportunities.

    • Email celebratelife@ortl.org to request door hangers via mail or use our printable flyers

    • If you’re interested in a strategic and targeted door-knocking experience, email celebratelife@ortl.org to request an i360 account.

    • Script & Best Practices


Week 3

Family Support

June 17–23, 2024

Support families in your community! Help provide food, housing, and respite care for women and families in need. This week also includes support for foster and adoptive families. 

  • Support a local food bank by donating food or volunteering.

  • Safe Families for Children involvement.

  • Support a local domestic violence shelter.

  • Every Child Oregon volunteer opportunities:

  • Do you know a foster or adoptive family? Support them by providing a meal, babysitting, or offering help in another way. 

  • Oregon CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates). Find a local program and see what needs they have that you might be able to fill.

Week 4

Sidewalk Advocacy

June 24–30, 2024

Be a presence for life! Provide information and support to empower women to choose life.

  • Hold a silent prayer vigil outside your local abortion facility. Bring a friend or come alone. Your presence saves lives! The presence of peaceful pro-life advocates silently praying outside abortion facilities greatly increases the likelihood that women won’t go through with their abortion appointments.

    • Tip: This is also a great way to get your church involved in pro-life advocacy! 

  • Distribute flyers about the abortion pill and pregnancy resource centers outside a local abortion facility. 

  • Post flyers with abortion pill reversal and pregnancy resource information in your community. 

  • Sign up to take a course about sidewalk advocacy. 

Local Celebrations

Wednesday, June 5th – Deschutes County Resource Guide 
Join our team of volunteers on Wednesday, June 5th, to help distribute life-affirming resource guides in Deschutes County!  Packets will be available to pick up for distribution on Wednesday, June 5th, from 2:30 to 6:30 pm in Redmond. Contact makyra@ortl.org for details. 
Wednesday, June 12th – Door-to-Door Advocacy in Keizer
[9:30 AM-11:30 AM] Join locals from Marion, Polk, and surrounding counties at the Oregon Right to Life office to go door to door with a survey asking about people’s thoughts on abortion when a baby can feel pain. We will meet at the office at 9:30am and then disperse throughout the community. Ice cream treats will be available at the office afterwards.
Friday, June 14th – Door-to-Door Advocacy in Keizer
[1:00 PM-3:00 PM] Join locals from Marion, Polk, and surrounding counties at the Oregon Right to Life office to go door to door with a survey asking about people’s thoughts on abortion when a baby can feel pain. We will meet at the office at 1:00pm and then disperse throughout the community. Ice cream treats will be available at the office afterwards.
Saturday, June 15th – Door-to-Door Advocacy in Keizer
[10:00 AM-12:30 PM] Join locals from Marion, Polk, and surrounding counties at the Oregon Right to Life office to go door to door with a survey asking about people’s thoughts on abortion when a baby can feel pain. We will meet at the office at 10:00am and then disperse throughout the community. Lunch will be available at the office afterwards.

TuesdayWednesday, June 1819 – Union County Resource Guide
We’ll be distributing resource guides in Union County on Tuesday and Wednesday, June 18–19.

Thursday, June 20 – Wallowa County Resource Guide
We’ll be distributing resource guides in Wallowa County on Thursday, June 20.

Friday, June 21 – Baker County Resource Guide
We’ll be distributing resource guides in Baker County on Friday, June 21. 

Wednesday, June 26th – Lane County Resource Guide 
Join our team of volunteers on Wednesday, June 26th, to help distribute life-affirming resource guides in Lane County! Packets will be available to pick up for distribution on Wednesday, June 26th, from 2:30 to 6:30 pm in Eugene. Contact makyra@ortl.org or call 503-463-8563 for details. 

Saturday, June 29th – Salem Sidewalk Advocates for Life Training
RSVP to Tammi Haywood at 503-551-3359 by mid-June. Preregistration is required, and a $10 donation is suggested to cover the cost of the workbook. 


During each themed week, you have two goals:

  1. Find a need or information gap in your community related to the theme. 
  2. Find a way to fill that need. 

The suggested action items are to help you brainstorm and come up with ideas. These are good starting points, but don’t limit yourself! You know your community. 

Prize Drawing 

Each Monday, we will hold a prize drawing! To be eligible for that week’s drawing, do one of the following by the end of each Sunday

  • Send pictures or information about how you celebrated that week to celebratelife@ortl.org
  • Direct message Oregon Right to Life social media accounts with pictures/information about what you did that week
  • Tag ORTL social media accounts in posts about how you celebrated life

Prize drawings will be held the following Monday. Please note that submissions must be received by midnight on Sunday to be eligible for the prize drawing. 

Questions? Email celebratelife@ortl.org

celebrate life


June 2024, surrounding the anniversary of the Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v. Wade on June 24th, 2022.

No! We welcome every level of participation, whether you can do one action item or participate every week.

Everywhere in Oregon! Through this event, you learn about and invest in the life-affirming resources in your community. Make a difference by supporting and advocating for life in your backyard.

Check out local celebrations for information about Celebrate Life events in your area.

Not at all! The schedule covers many types of pro-life advocacy, but you are encouraged to participate however works best for you.

Absolutely! Celebrate Life is for advocates of all ages.

I want to participate!

Family members, friends, etc.
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I want more information about my community

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