what is
Celebrate Life Month?
Celebrate Life is a time to intentionally engage in local pro-life support and advocacy. Using our focus areas or identifying your own ways you’d like to participate, celebrate the end of Roe and make a difference in your Oregon community.
On June 24th, 2025, we will celebrate the third anniversary of the monumental Dobbs v. Jackson decision that overturned Roe v. Wade: a moment in history that so many worked toward and a significant victory for human rights.
But the end of Roe doesn’t mean our job is done. It is the beginning of a new era for the pro-life movement in Oregon.
More than ever, we must call for justice for the unborn and support life in tangible ways.
That’s why we’re taking action with Celebrate Life Month.
Our Three Celebrate Life Month Focus Areas:

Pregnancy Resource Center Support
Pregnancy resource centers (PRCs) empower women and families to choose life by providing medical, material, and emotional support. Do something to support pregnancy resource centers in your community as they help women and families in need! Click here to locate your nearest PRC.
Pregnancy Resource Centers need volunteers with all kinds of skills, from answering phones to organizing donated items like diapers and strollers.
Reach out to your local PRC and ask how you can help!
Send money to support your local PRC and/or donate tangible items.
- Needed resources often include diapers, wipes, formula, and new or gently used maternity and children’s clothing.
- Check your PRC’s website or contact them directly to find out what resources are needed.
Rally the support of other pro-life advocates by fundraising!
Some ways you might organize a fundraiser include:
- Holding a bake sale
- Coordinating a baby bottle drive
- Hosting a virtual baby shower (click for tips on running a baby item drive)
PRC staff and volunteers are doing the on-the-ground work that creates a culture of life, one interaction at a time. They do what they do because they have a deep love and care for moms and babies. But too often, their hard work goes unacknowledged.
Write a note to thank, encourage, and uplift the staff and volunteers at your local PRC.
Is your church already connected with a PRC? If not, talk to church leadership to see how your church can partner with a local PRC to support moms and save babies. This article may be helpful.

Grassroots and Sidewalk Advocacy
Have you ever wondered what people really think about the radical abortion laws we have in Oregon? This is an opportunity to challenge yourself, educate your community about the realities of abortion in Oregon, and if nothing else, plant a seed with your neighbors.
To change the culture, we must get involved in our own local communities.
Get connected with your local Oregon Right to Life Chapter (locate your nearest chapter here).
Can’t find one nearby? Consider starting one! Give us a call at 503-463-8563 to find out more.
Talk to a pro-choice friend or family member about the issue of abortion and the preciousness of all human life.
Make sure to listen to their perspective with compassion and find common ground whenever you can.
For help with communicating effectively about abortion, check out this article and these Equal Rights Institute Quick Response videos.
Take an hour to go visit your neighbors, ask them what they think of Oregon’s radical abortion policies, and open up a conversation. Click here to download our Door-Knocking Script & Best Practices.
If you’d like to be more strategic in your door-knocking adventure, email celebratelife@ortl.org to request an i360 account. Using this app will help you go door-knocking at households that are more likely to be persuadable.
Make sure people in your community hear the pro-life message!
You can also post or hand out flyers about the abortion pill and pregnancy resource centers outside a local abortion facility, or post flyers about abortion pill reversal in your community.
Here’s a printable flyer you can use. You can also email celebratelife@ortl.org to request door hangers via mail, or use our printable flyers
Consider advocating for moms and the unborn outside a local abortion facility.
- Note: Sidewalk advocacy is NOT the same as protesting! When doing sidewalk advocacy, always talk to moms and families with kindness and compassion, and be sure that any signs or t-shirts you bring also convey a positive message of support and love.
Sidewalk advocacy can be a little intimidating, and there are some things to keep in mind to ensure a peaceful and law-abiding experience. We highly recommend getting in touch with your local ORTL chapter to provide support and help you navigate any concerns.
Locate your nearest chapter here.
Check out these resources for further help.
- Equal Rights Institute sidewalk advocate tips
- A Legal Guide for Sidewalk Counselors from 40 Days for Life and Alliance Defending Freedom
- 40 Days for Life Sidewalk Outreach course
Every year, a million lives are lost to abortion in the United States. Our culture routinely commodifies and devalues human life. As pro-life advocates, we want to change the culture into one that loves and supports all moms and every child, born or unborn. And we can’t do that alone.
This month, commit to praying that the unborn will be protected from abortion; that loving resources and support will be available for all for moms; and that our state (and nation) will recognize that every human life is to be cherished and safeguarded.
You can pray by yourself, and you can also get your community involved.
Consider holding a silent prayer vigil outside your local abortion facility or at your church.
- Note: This is a great time to get your church actively involved in pro-life ministry if it isn’t already!

Support Families in Your Community
Many families need access to basic necessities to help care for themselves and their children. Help provide food, housing, and respite care for women and families in need.
This focus includes support for foster and adoptive kids and families.
There are many ways to get involved in helping families. The following entities are usually looking for people who can give generously of their time or treasure.
Do you know a foster or adoptive family? Support them by providing a meal, babysitting, or offering help in another way.
Create a “Flash Box” to encourage a foster family.
Make a “Welcome box” for children entering foster care.
Make a “Launch box” of basic supplies to help children aging out of foster care.
Volunteer with or host a Foster Parents’ Night Out.
How to Get Involved
Throughout June, select one or more ways to get involved to help build a culture of life.
You can use our three focuses as a resource to help you find a need or information gap in your community that you can help fill.
The action items we’ve suggested are to help you brainstorm and come up with ideas. These are good starting points, but don’t limit yourself! You know your community best.
Then, spread the message that every human life is infinitely precious and valuable, by sharing your pro-life efforts with us.
- You can send pictures or information about how you celebrated that week to celebratelife@ortl.org, or send direct messages to Oregon Right to Life’s social media accounts
- You can also tag ORTL social media accounts in posts about how you celebrated life
Questions? Email celebratelife@ortl.org.
celebrate life
June 2025, surrounding the anniversary of the Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v. Wade on June 24th, 2022.
Absolutely! You have the whole month to get involved in Celebrating Life, so you’re welcome to pick and choose the activities that fit best with your own schedule and that of your family.
Everywhere in Oregon! Through this event, you learn about and invest in the life-affirming resources in your community. Make a difference by supporting and advocating for life in your own neighborhood and town.
Of course! We believe a person is never too young to make a positive difference in the world. Celebrate Life Month is for advocates of all ages!