Four Pieces of Pro-Life Legislation Introduced

Hundreds of thousands of Oregonians believe life should be legally protected from conception to natural death. This legislative session we have been working with pro-life legislators to introduce bills that would bring Oregon closer to the vision we share to protect life. Please contact your legislators and urge them to support these bills. To use […]

HB 2217 Scheduled For Hearing

House Bill 2217, one of four bills this legislative session that would expand Oregon’s physician-assisted suicide law, has been scheduled for a public hearing on Tuesday, March 19 at 3:00 p.m. in room Hearing Room E. Oregon Right to Life opposes this bill. Oregon’s physician-assisted suicide law contains a frightening loophole in which someone else […]

Together We Advocate 2019

Among our driving purposes at Oregon Right to Life is our intention to help Oregon’s pro-life community to be better connected to each other and better equipped to advocate for the vulnerable. That’s why we hold our annual conference every year! Together We Advocate 2019 is the largest pro-life conference in the Pacific Northwest. It […]

21 years of doctors ending lives

The Oregon Health Authority recently released the latest statistics on physician-assisted suicide in the state. In 2018, 249 people received lethal prescriptions. Of that group, 168 people died from ingesting the lethal medication (up from 158 in 2017). Since the law was passed in 1997, doctors have written 2,217 lethal prescriptions; 1,459 people have died […]

Title X rule goes into effect

Today, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced a final rule to restore Title X family planning regulations to prohibit grantees from co-locating with abortion businesses, or from referring clients for abortion. “We are glad that President Trump and HHS Secretary Azar are reinstating laws to protect Americans,” says Lois Anderson, ORTL executive […]