Statement: Portland City Council Puts on a Show

Wednesday, July 10, the Portland City Council almost unanimously (one member, Amanda Fritz, was on vacation) passed a resolution opposing any and all restrictions on abortion access. “Abortion is legal until the moment of birth here in Oregon. This resolution is completely unnecessary, a waste of the city’s resources,” says Oregon Right to Life Executive Director Lois […]

Late-Term Abortion: A Tragic “Solution”

“I hear you are going to have a boy. Congratulations! Unfortunately, after reviewing your ultrasound, there are a few concerning images.” Those were the words Samantha Williams and countless other parents have heard following their 20-week ultrasounds.  The 20-week ultrasound appointment lasts between an hour and an hour and a half. The technician measures every […]

In Memoriam of Dr. Russell Sacco

After a fight with cancer, the pro-life movement lost one of its unsung heroes, Dr. Russell Sacco, this June. A father of four and grandfather to eight, he is also survived by Elizabeth, his loving wife of 58 years. Dr. Sacco, a urologist who practiced in Oregon and one of the founding members of Oregon […]

9th Circuit Court Upholds Protect Life Rules

On June 20, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the Protect Life Rule. Providers will have to separate family planning services from abortion services if they want to keep receiving federal money. The effect of the ruling will lift the injunction issued by U.S. District Judge Michael J. McShane on April 23. The ruling […]

Oregon Legislature Eliminates PAS Waiting Periods

Senate Bill 579 eliminates physician-assisted suicide waiting periods for those diagnosed as near death. The Oregon House passed the bill 35-22 yesterday. It will now become law unless the governor vetoes it. “The Legislature heard from highly qualified and experienced medical professionals who testified that this bill is not only unnecessary but dangerous,” says Lois Anderson, ORTL executive director. […]
