2,000 Attend Oregon March for Life

On April 17, roughly two thousand pro-life Oregonians met in front of the Oregon State Capitol to honor the 63 million lives lost to legalized abortion since 1973. The Oregon March for Life featured Rep. Vikki Breese Iverson (HD 55) as emcee, joined by Marion County Commissioner Colm Willis and others. Safety precautions for the […]

Sen. Patterson Refuse to Protect Babies Born-Alive

This legislative session, Oregon Right to Life introduced Senate Bill 586, the Born-Alive Infant Protection bill. It would require abortion providers to deliver life-saving care for a baby born alive during an abortion. Data from the CDC shows that as many as 143 babies have survived a failed abortion then died. A poll of likely […]

23 Years of Assisted Suicide

Oregon recently released its 23rd annual report on assisted suicide in the state. Oregon saw a 25% increase in residents requesting lethal prescriptions for assisted suicide under the Death with Dignity Act. In 2020, 370 people received lethal prescriptions. Of that group, 245 people died from ingesting the lethal medication (up from 188 in 2019). […]

Planned Parenthood Increases Abortions by 6.6% in One Year

Kate Brown at PP rally

This week, Planned Parenthood released their 2019-2020 annual report. Here are some of the major takeaways from the report: As the nation’s largest provider of abortion, Planned Parenthood performed a record number of abortions: 354,871, a 6.6% increase from the prior year. Planned Parenthood received $616.1 million from the American taxpayers. Planned Parenthood’s total revenue […]

From an Advocate: I’m a Pro-Life Democrat

When Milwaukie resident Heather Wakem was a teenager, she volunteered as a Planned Parenthood telephone fundraiser. She came from a staunchly Democratic family, after all, and working for the pro-choice cause was only natural.  “One of the things I appreciate about the Democratic Party is a reverence for science and fact,” Wakem says. “With a […]
