Pro-Choice Groups in Early Stages of Attempt to Enshrine Abortion in Oregon Constitution

Pro-choice groups late last month joined forces in an effort to enshrine a “right” to abortion into the Oregon constitution.

RNC Committee Approves Draft Language for GOP Platform

The Republican National Committee (RNC)’s platform committee on Monday approved the draft of a new, noticeably scaled-down GOP platform that reframes the party’s stance…

Iowa, Kansas Supreme Courts Hand Down Opposite Abortion Rulings

The Supreme Courts of Iowa and Kansas delivered opposing abortion decisions over the past week…

What Trump and Biden Had to Say About Abortion in the First Presidential Debate

U.S. President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump sparred about the abortion issue during the much anticipated June 27 presidential debate, clashing…

10 Years, 22,000 Lives Saved: Sidewalk Advocates For Life President Reflects on Reaching Out to Women with Unsupported Pregnancies

Proponents of legal abortion typically frame their arguments in terms of “choice.” But the head of a prominent pro-life sidewalk advocacy organization says…
