Tragic New Survey Suggests 71% of Americans Support Legal Euthanasia

The majority of Americans reportedly believe euthanasia and assisted suicide should be legal.

Trump Says He’ll Vote No on Florida Pro-Abortion Ballot Initiative

Trump said he’d vote “no” on a ballot initiative in Florida that would enshrine a “right” to abortion in the state constitution.

Trump’s Abortion Positions Draw Pro-Life Criticism

Donald Trump has rattled many pro-life advocates by continually distancing himself from solid pro-life priorities.

DNC Approves Its Most Pro-Abortion Party Platform Yet

The DNC has approved its new Democratic party platform. The document espouses the most pro-abortion position in American history.

Planned Parenthood Affiliate Sends Mobile Unit to Offer Free Abortions Near Democratic National Convention 

A Planned Parenthood affiliate is offering free abortions and vasectomies near the Democratic National Convention in Chicago this week.
