Non Nobis Solum Nati Sumus

Cicero said, “Non nobis solum nati sumus.” Not for ourselves alone are we born. Not for ourselves alone do we quarantine. Not for ourselves alone do we work and advocate. This week has been hard. Our PAC board needed to make a very difficult decision. It’s one of the hardest I’ve participated in during my 20+ year tenure at ORTL. […]
“You’re Welcome” and “Thank You”

Often, supporters will tell me thank you and I always want to respond by saying, “No! Thank YOU!” I feel so much gratitude for each person who takes action after they read an email, share information with their church, give a donation, or spend precious time organizing pro-life activities. There are thousands of you covering […]
Bittersweet Changes

I used to say when I was political director–and I still believe it is true—that working for Oregon Right to Life PAC is the best political job in the state. Of course, this is primarily because we are working together in the great human rights movement of our time. It is also because, over the […]
Abortion Numbers Dramatically Decline

Fantastic news was released on September 17. The most recent Guttmacher Institute report shows that the number of abortions in the United States has reached another low. Guttmacher’s numbers are more accurate than those from the Centers for Disease Control since those exclude California, Maryland, and New Hampshire. While we can be encouraged by these […]
The National Conversation Continues

Recent actions by state legislatures – both pro-life and pro-abortion – have fed a sustained national conversation, in the media and amongst the public, about abortion, mothers and babies. There was something in the wake of the social media firestorm over the Alabama law that struck me in a particular way — how comments and […]