Title X in the News

On Monday, April 29, in a stunning display of judicial activism, U.S. District Judge Michael McShane issued an order that prevented the Protect Life Rule from going into effect May 3, 2019. The proposed rule would ensure that taxpayer money designated for family planning would not fund abortion providers. It was disgraceful to see Governor […]
New York, Virginia, Where Next?

Advocates have been contacting us in response to the news that state legislation is being considered and even passed (New York) that removes any mention of protections for unborn children in the law. Last night, I watched horrified as a Virginia delegate and the state’s governor calmly describe infanticide as a perfectly reasonable option in […]
Together, Arm in Arm

“I ask you to join with me arm in arm.” This message concluded my post-election email. (I’ve included it below in case you didn’t receive it.) We have weathered plenty of disappointments together in the pro-life movement. We will weather those of this election as well. Someone asked me recently what my vision is […]
Everyone Deserves an Advocate

My social media news feed in the last month has been filled with wonderful posts about children and adults with Down syndrome. The fact that World Down Syndrome Day was March 21st had something to do with it. Even before those celebrations ramped up, the aborting of unborn children with Down syndrome was in the […]
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

“How do you do it?” “ What is it like to lobby?” “I couldn’t do that.” These are statements I have heard many times in the past few weeks as I have interacted with many pro-life Oregonians. Part of my job as executive director is to work with our team at the Oregon Capitol, which […]