Lincoln City Pastor Sets Pro-Life Example in Church & Home

A pastor is using his family’s story, international experience and apologetics background to advance the pro-life cause on the Coast. Phil Magnan has been the senior pastor at Calvary Chapel in Lincoln City since 2012. Growing up, he had a basic sense that humans were valuable from fertilization onward. It wasn’t until he witnessed pro-life […]
ORTLEF Offers Resource for Pro-Life Education in Religious Settings

While the pro-life position can stand entirely on a secular viewpoint, Oregon Right to Life Education Foundation (ORTLEF) recognizes and gladly welcomes those with religious reasons to protect unborn humans. We offer a resource called “The Miracle of Life” display for Oregon’s churches, youth groups, church clubs and private religious schools when discussing pro-life issues. […]
National Right to Life Attorney on What to Watch with Dobbs

A seasoned attorney with decades of experience for National Right to Life is calling Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, an upcoming Supreme Court case, “unusual, interesting and unprecedented.” At stake in Dobbs is the constitutionality of the Gestational Age Act, a voter-passed ban on Mississippi abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy (see page 1). […]
Use Your QCD to Help ORTL

A qualified charitable distribution (QCD) is a direct distribution from your IRA custodian to a qualified 501(c)3 charity like the Oregon Right to Life Education Foundation (ORTLEF). QCDs from IRAs offer you tax benefits and help make our advocacy possible. As always, be sure to check with your financial or tax advisor for how this […]
Chesterton Academy Students Proud to Be Pro-Life

It’s a rare feat when the entire student body of a high school belongs to a club exclusively dedicated to defending unborn human life and supporting mothers. Yet since 2018, that’s exactly what has been happening at Chesterton Academy. A private Catholic high school in Mt. Angel, Chesterton Academy’s Students for Life club is as […]